I am always happy to hear from Wilmots and Wilmot fans
around the world. Send
me some news and it it may appear here, or on one
of the other pages of the Wilmot
Home. Most of the notes below are excerpts from
email posted elsewhere on this site.
Here are two animated films of Wilmot the cartoon character, inspired by the stuffed animal:
(Mark Graybill, 18 July 2012)
"shout out to all the wilmots haha" -Colette (28 June 2010)
"i can't beleave there are so many other wilmot i love this site" -- jonina wilmot (5 July 2006)
Wilmot Pets
Hi, My name is Rebecca Wilmot.. I have two little furry pet guinea pigs,
Vincent Wilmot and Jimmy Wilmot. Jimmy looks surprising like your stuffed
toy, Wilmot.
Hi to all the other Wilmots out there, spelled the right way of course.
Theres a series on childrens' television (in the UK) called Wilmot that is
running at the moment. Bye for now
Wilmot and Jimmy Wilmot bear an uncanny resemblance to each other!
Rebecca (rebecca.wilmot@permabond.com, 23 July 2003. Photo added 19 June 2004)
Eternally grateful I am truly yours (Wilmot Irvin, 18 October 2003)
wow - just found the web site and i am amazed...let us unite and conquer (Steve Wilmot, 27 June 2003)
WOW!! Love this site am going to send it to my family in england. (David Wilmot, 22 August 2003)
love the site.. as I am one with you all (Martin Wilmot, 12 June 2003)
I was amazed to find this fantastic
website. (Peter
Wilmot, 1/7/2001)
WOW! What a site! (Guy
Eardley-Wilmot, 7/10/2000)
Nice to see a Wilmot Web Site, spelt correctly too (no
N). (Sean L.
Wilmot, 5/13/2000)
Hi, I just came across your page and I love it. It's
great to find so many Wilmots and to hear that I am not the
only one with the "n" problem. It is a constant irritant!
Love and peace to all you Wilmots! We are connected...
(Paul Wilmot,
I just revisited The Wilmot Home Page tonight. As before,
I was quite impressed with the numerous offerings by Wilmots
and non-Wilmots all over the world. (Wilmot
B. Valhmu, 2/24/00)
I just read your Wilmot home page and I have decided it`s
one of the best sites on the web...By the way my sister
(also a wilmot ha ha) is obsessed with stuffed toys. Wait
until I tell her about this. Seeya, Mark
Wilmot. (11/2/99)
i really enjoyed the site. long live wilmot!!!! lorianne
[annie] wilmot-iacobellis (2/8/00)
Hello Fellow Wilmot`s, its amazing what you find when you
are bored scanning the inter net.Keep the Wilmot name going
Mark Wilmot,
Bristol,England. (2/10/00)
hey, loved your web page of wilmots!!!!!!!!!!! luv Chris
"Hi,i think your site is brill!...I'd love a mention on
your site,and any body who'd like to e-mail me! Sad arn't
i!love it though! thanks,Anthony Wilmot." (anthonywilmot@hotmail.com,
"My eternal gratitude to the originator of this website
and hello to all you other Wilmots out there, keep it
alive." (Wilmot E. Roberts III 8/6/99)
"Great fun to hear all about Wilmot's...Thanks....Trip"
(Trip Wilmot, 8/2/99)