Wilmot, Ohio, USA
Wilmot is a town in Pima County Arizona, USA
Wilmot is a town in Ashley County Arkansas, USA
Wilmot is a town in Noble County Indiana, USA
Wilmot is a town in Cowley County Kansas, USA
Wilmot is a town in Tuscola County Michigan, USA
Wilmot is a town in Washington County Mississippi, USA
Wilmot is a town in Merrimack County New Hampshire, USA
Wilmot is a town in Jackson County North Carolina, USA
Wilmot is a town in Stark County Ohio, USA
Wilmot is a town in Bradford County Pennsylvania, USA
Wilmot is a town in Roberts County South Dakota, USA
Wilmot is a town in Kenosha County Wisconsin, USA
(Thanks to the Xerox
Map Gateway for help in filling out this list)
Wilmot is a Creek and School in Jefferson County,
Wilmot is a Ranch in Chaffee County, Colorado
Wilmot is a Brook in New Haven County, Connecticut
Wilmot is a Cemetery in Banks County, Georgia
Wilmot is a Gulch in Lemhi County, Idaho
Wilmot is a Junior High School in Lake County, Illinois
Wilmot is a Oilfield in Cowley County, Kansas
Wilmot is a Church and Cemetery in Rockcastle County,
Wilmot is a Brook in Sagadahoc County, Maine
Wilmot is a Bay (Wilmot Cove) in Washington County,
Wilmot is a Town (Wilmot Woods) in Westchester County, New
Wilmot is a Mountain in Orange County, Vermont
Wilmot Flats is a town in Vermont
Wilmot is a Town in King George County, Virginia
Wilmot, New Hampshire, USA
 The beautiful town of Wilmot, in northern
Tasmania, and Coles Store in Wilmot (Arthur
Pulford, sacheverel@talktalk.net, 13 March 2010)
In Hobart, Tasmania there is a memorial to Sir John Eardley-Wilmot and in the Royal
Tasmanian Botanical Gardens is the Wilmot Wall. Arthur Pulford has kindly sent a few
pictures of the memorial and the wall. The pictures are (1) The
Eardley-Wilmot memorial in St David's Park, Hobart. (2) The Eardly-Wilmot Wall in the
Botanical Gardens (with Arthur standing beside it). (3) The memorial
inscription and (4) Information about the
Wilmot wall. (Arthur Pulford, sacheverel@talktalk.net, 13 March 2010)
The village of Wilmot, Wisconsin, USA was named for the Wilmot Proviso; nobody could agree
on what to call it, so a frustrated villager sarcastically remarked that they might as well
call it after "this Wilmot proviso" that was getting so much attention. (Amy Kessler, akessler@current.com, 25 February 2010)
is a town in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Wilmot is a township in southwestern Ontario, Canada (Tim
Thiessen, 21 August 1995)
There is a town in Tasmania
called Wilmot, near the River Wilmot. We have several Wilmot
Streets, presumably named after an early Governor of
this colony, Sir John Eardley-Wilmot. (This family has
been to all of them). Also, we have a large stone wall in
our Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens called the Wilmot
Wall. (swkwjwbw@primus.com.au10/23/2000).
While doing some genealogy research, I find I have a
great uncle who was born in Wilmot, Nevada (1901). Can find
no trace of this city. Any leads? Many thanks! (Becky
C. 5/16/2000 eastern Colorado)
I live on Wilmot Ave in Somers Point , New Jersey
(Seaweed303@aol.com, 12/9/99)
Wilmot is a street in Manchester new hampshire USA
(Jvsysyn@aol.com, 10/16/99)
Geographical Wilmots in the United Kingdom.
WILMOT CLOSE is a little road in north London just
west of the St. Pancras and Islington Cemetry. I'm
guessing that some of the road names in that area
were taken from graves in the cemetry. My family's
grave is in there containing three WILMOTS.
(Apparently, there's room for one more on top.) My
father is still alive and kicking at 91 years
There's another WILMOT CLOSE in Peckham, south
London. WILMOT PLACE is off St. Pancras Way, Camden
in north London. Another WILMOT PLACE is in
Hanwell, west London. Then there's three WILMOT
ROADS in London. One in Leyton, another in Wood
Green and another in Carshalton, south London.
(Rick Wilmot, 1999)
There's a Wilderness
Center in Wilmot,
Ohio USA. (2/28/97)
United Church is at the corner of King and Carleton
Streets in downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Their present church was built in 1852, proving that Wilmots
have been in Canada a long time. (2/28/97)
It was reported that Wilmot is the name of a school in
Deerfield, Illinois. (DownWithSJ@aol.com 10/19/96)
Mark Czerniec was kind enough to put a link to here from
the Kenosha
Recreation, Attractions, & Events page, where he
mentions the Kenosha County Fair in Wilmot, WI from August
14th to 18th. (6/11/96)
The headquarters for Walgreen's drugstore is located at
200 Wilmot Road in Deerfield, Illinois (Art Lassagne

Wilmot Road, Tucson Arizona, USA
Wilmot Road in Arizona (the bear is Travel Bear). Thanks to
friends Kathy & Matt for the picture! 6/15/96.
Matersknot@aol.com kindly pointed out that Wilmot Road is
a major north-south road in Tucson, AZ. There is also a
Wilmot Street in San Francisco, CA. (10/7/99, also Art
Lassagne 9/19/99)
Wilmot Creek, is I believe a tributary of the Oconee
River in northern Georgia. It crosses Interstate 85 just
south of hwy 129 (if you want to try to locate it on a map
for confirmation). (Bob Hole 8/29/95)
Internic shows
that Wilmot/Sanz, Inc.in Gaithersburg, MD, USA went to all
the trouble of registering the domain name "www.Wilmot.com".
But for some reason, they haven't bothered to put up any web
pages. I wonder if anyone ever goes there thinking that
they're getting to this page? (Bob Hole, Jr., 9/18/97)
Followup: Wilmot/Sanz,
Inc. now has their Web site online. Yes, that's right,
there's really a "www.Wilmot.com"
on the Web now! Welcome Wilmot/Sanz! (1/29/98).
Rich Hand tells me that there's a Wilmot Engineering in
White Haven, Pennsylvania that makes and designs
coal-handling equipment.(5/26/96).