This page contains email I've received from various
Wilmots around the world. Many of these people are doing
genealogical research. Others just happened to be called
Wilmot and are interested in the fact that there are other
Wilmots around. The two sections here are for people with
Last Name Wilmot. If your first name is Wilmot, you now have your own page.
There is also a short section on variants
on the name Wilmot on the Wilmot
Lore page.
Last name (surname) Wilmot
So many of you have sent me Wilmot genealogy information that I've had to split this up into two pages. This page has the older information: sent to me in 2002 or earlier.
Thank you for putting together the web page. I am amazed as to how far the family names seems to have spread around the world.
My name is Natasha Wilmot and my family are all from Maun in Botswana. I understand my grandfather Robert Wilmot was also born in Botswana.
I knew the Eastern Cape in South Africa seemed to be riddled with Wilmots, but had no idea they were scattered across the world.
Please would you place me email in your "genealogy" section and should any one wish to know anything about the Botswana Wilmots, please contact me on email: hazelwilmot@mweb.co.za
I have recently moved to South Africa.
Kind regards
Natasha Wilmot (14 October2002)
Editor's note: I asked Natasha where her line of Wilmots originated, to which she replied: The story goes that a family of nine brothers came out on the ships to Cape Town from England. This is then where our branch of the family is meant to originate from.
[NOTE from the editor: These notes have been sitting in my mailbox for over a year. Many apologies for my tardiness in posting them.]
Have you got an up to date e-mail address for GUY EARDLET-WILMOT? The one shown on my screen draws a blank. I am anxious to get in touch with him, being a distant cousin.
thank you Wendy Hopkins, 30 May 2002
Great site...all Wilmot's greatly appreciate what you have done. This has got to be one of the most imaginative family sites on the web. Add me to your roster. www.nedwilmot.com
I am Trip Wilmot's Dad, plus Todd, Scott and Randy. We descend from Capt Benjamin Wilmot [1838-1914] Cos Cob, CT [Greenwich] He was an oyster fisherman on Long Island Sound his entire life. My brother Clifford and sister Patricia Horton remain in Greenwich today. They seem to be the only one's I know that can spell my name without an "N".
Thank you, Ned Wilmot
Palm Desert, CA 16 April 2002
Hello, My name is Laura Wilmot (August 29th, 1981 (I'm also called wilmont, and it drives me crazy...like that sounds better? Right.) , I'm a 20 year old from Kent, Washington. (state) But my father's name is William David Wilmot (June 1st, 1951) , and his father, Roy Wilmot was in an orphanage as a child, but now has been living in seattle all his life. I have always been very interested in finding out my heritage...whether I have relatives nearby or not. Let me know if you know anything! ( Laura Wilmot, 26 February 2002)
My father's name is Robert Emmit Wilmot, Emmit after the Irish patriot. I grew up being told I was Irish, red hair, freckles and all. I never thought twice about it until I met someone from Ireland who emphatically told me I was not Irish- with the name Wilmot.
This has really been a blow to my identity. Can you offer any help in explaining this. Do you know is any Irish Wilmots?
( Martin Wilmot 20 January 2002)
Hi, I'm searching for any
connections to the Frank Wilmots of Pittsburgh, PA.
believe he was my grandmother's uncle. He was an
attorney who worked for
Andrew Carnegie. Anyone with any information--it would
be most welcome to
me. I'm in the beginning phases of my genealogical
search. (Sushi00@aol.com,
Hello fellow Wilmots!!!
What a relief, we're not alone. I'm Joe Wilmot,
originally from Guayaquil, Ecuador, now a resident of
lovely San Diego, California. I don't know much about my
grandfather, Frank Wilmot, who came to Ecuador as a
railroad engineer sometime near the beginning of the 20th
century. I know he was a war veteran (which war, who the
hell knows) and that he married my grandmother, Carmen
Mancheno, but that's about it; I never got to meet him.
My dad, Alfonso Wilmot, was an electronics engineer who
built -- though he intended it to be just an experiment
at first -- one of the first and longest surviving
commercial radio stations in the country. My brother
Tommy still lives in Ecuador, my brother Eddie in Los
Angeles -- none of us has children.
The "N" Problem is one we are all acutely aware of.
It's like a superfine thorn that lives under your skin
mostly unnoticed until someone comes along and touches
you in just the right spot, then ouch!. It is an
abomination, a reprehensible abuse of spelling
privileges, a socially transmitted disease. I would more
actively condemn and lobby against Wilmonts, Willmonts,
Wilmoths, et al. were it not for the compassion I feel
for any and all people cursed with aberrant
Much love to you all!
Joe ( joewilmot@yahoo.com, 1/16/2001; email address updated from email sent 21 May 2003)

I was surfing the net
and came across your cool web site, Im not a Wilmot
but here are a couple of sites you might like.
1. A Wilmot coat of arms
2. A
Wilmot township in Canada
you have probably seen this, it was on the
Yahoo search engine
3. the coat of arms is the attachment
Have a good one, A fan (BOB WAUN,
Hi! My name is Peter Wilmot
and I live in Johannesburg South Africa. I was amazed to
find this fantastic website. The Wilmots in South Africa
emigrated to South Africa from England in the 1820's.
I would be interested in corresponding with other
wilmots. They can email me at
Keep up the good
Peter Wilmot
N and the double t and the double i (Durene Wilmot ,
My name Gerardo Wilmot
Born in Monterrey, N.L. Agoust 4 1951
I'm live in Tonala, Jalisco Mexico
My work hand make candles to export.
and work in the government
director to ecologic.
best regards (gerardo wilmot lopez wilmot@prodigy.net.mx,
I,m also a Wilmot I was born
in Richmond,Kentucky.1947.I have two brothers John
David,&james Owsley. All three of us have a son a piece
so the name will go on Jim's son lives in St.Louis,mo.and
John's & mine live here in Indiana.My oldest child a
daugther lives in Canada with her family. My name is Ben
McLeod Wilmot whorse@theremc.com
my Name is Jeremiah Wilmot/?? are oy uform whales
originally/??i live in pennsylvanie now (Jaw3290@aol.com,
The Wilmot from the Saturn television ad!
I just wanted to let you know that I AM the Mike
Wilmot from the Saturn ad. While the ad does not
portray me specifically, my name was used for the
fictional character in the Saturn ad, which was
created in 1998 by an ad agency in San Francisco I
used to work at (in ads where people/names are made
up, agency employees names are often used so that
they can sign a release for its use and prevent any
litigation by other people out there with the same
There was also a print ad that ran. I certainly
received my 'five minutes' out of this one.
Best regards.
Michael Wilmot
Senior Consultant Pile and Company
mwilmot@pilenet.com (11/22/2000)
My name is Philip T. Wilmot Jr. and I live in
Whittier California. My fathers name (guess)? was Sr. I
have two brothers named Richard and Steven. Rick has a
son named Christopher and I have a son named Jeffery. My
fathers brothers were George, Alfred. I do have a book my
aunt worked on that goes back a few years and
The Wilmot name in Germany a lone time ago was
"WILLMOUNTH". Talk about a mouth full. Why does everyone
want to put the n in Wilmo(n)t?
Phil Wilmot (PHILWILMOT@aol.com,11/5/2000)
I'm also aWilmot I live In
Indiana,but origanally came from the state of Kentucky .the
family is from lLincoln and Garrard counties. I raise and
train Tennesse wlking horses. My e@mail address is
not much I know on the history of our
great family, Ben M.Wilmot (10/28/2000).
Dear other Wilmots,
We just came across your web page and thought we
would tell you that there is a family with the last
name of Wilmot from Australia, living in the state
of Tasmania, (which was settled in 1803 as a
convict penal settlement). If you look us up on a
map, you will see that we live on an island so we
are down under the mainland of Australia.
My husband Stuart comes from Glossop,
Derbyshire, England and I met him in Sydney,
Australia in 1971. We married and came to live in
Tasmania, we have three daughters, Kristina, Janita
and Rebecca
(twins). Stuart comes from a large family of 8
brothers and one sister. They all live in the
There is a town in Tasmania called Wilmot, near
the River Wilmot. We have several Wilmot Streets,
presumably named after an early Governor of
this colony, Sir John Eardley-Wilmot. (This
family has been to all of them). Also, we have a
large stone wall in our Royal Tasmanian Botanical
Gardens called the Wilmot Wall.
Relating to Family Genealogy, We are in the
Burke's Peerage World Book of Wilmots. also
two of our extended family in England. If you
would like the last-known address in Bath, Ohio USA
for your copy of this scintillating book, please
contact us by e-mail
swkwjwbw@primus.com.au and we will send
you details. (10/23/2000).
Hello, I was just really bored surfing on the internet
when i found your page, My name is chris Wilmot, brother
Corey, father bruce and mother dorinda, are all wilmots. i
can go farther if you want too. email me... (Chris
Wilmot, 9/11/2000)
My name is Barbara Ann Wilmot and I live in London, in
the UK. I was, however, born in Africa in November, 1959,
in a country that is now called Zimbabwe and this is where I
grew up as well. My great grandfather, Alexander Wilmot,
brought our branch of the family to Africa sometime around
the end of the 19th century. He was a member of the Cape
parliament and wrote a book on the botany of the Cape. He
was also a member of an old, catholic, English family and
was apparently a descendant of the poet, John Wilmot, Earl
of Rochester. Sadly, I know very little else about my
family and would be most interested to hear from anyone who
believes they are related to me and knows more about this
line of Wilmots.
Barbara Wilmot
Business Development Director
EMail: Barbara.Wilmot@tnsofres.com (9/7/2000)
Nice to see lots of Wilmots!
Rob Wilmot -jnr
brother of Katherine Wilmot
son of Robert Wilmot
Grandson of Margaret Wilmot
Cheers (Rob Wilmot <ROB@climax.co.uk>, 8/20/2000)
I am looking to trace George C Wilmot-Sitwell who lived
in my home at 1 York Road Royal Leamington Spa,
Warwickshire, England in about 1953. It is thought that
Wilmot-Sitwell is a branch of the famous Sitwell family who
owned a house in nearby Long Itchington. The Wilmots were
also a local family from Berkeswell who owned lime
Please let me know if you have any info on the family;
Gordon Goddard-Pickett (GodPick@aol.com, 8/13/2000)
I am trying to find out
about my grandfather's family. He was born in
1899...I don't know where. I think his mother was
Effie Cousins. I get the
feeling he may have been adopted out. Frank married
Hazel Matthison around
1922...they had two children...Jean Elizabeth and
Joan...they lived in
Portland, Oregon until my grandfather died around 1989.
He also worked for
the railroad at some point in time and was a painter in
the early 1940's.
I am his granddaughter..JoAnne ...age 56 and I live in
Dallas, Texas.
I would love to know more about his life.....he was the
most wonderful
grandfather in the world!....I miss him!
Any help you can give me would be most appreciated!
Many thanks!
JoAnne Alford alfordstx@aol.com
My name is Philip Thomas Wilmot Jr. I live in Whittier
California. I have never been interested in genealogy but
this site caught my eye. I will be in touch to go further
into this subject.
Home E-mail PHILWILMOT@aol.com
Phil Wilmot
Sales Manager
VectraNet Communications, Inc.
Respectfully (7/27/2000)
Hi my name is Liz Amies I was a
Wilmot descended from the Wilmots of Dublin.
My cousin Terry Lear has traced the family back to a John
Wilmot married to
Ann daughter of John Allam of Moravia who lived in the
early part of the
eighteenth century. They had a son Samuel Wilmot born
1772 who married Mary
daughter of John Lyons. They had a son Samuel George
born 1821 who married
the daughter of Surgeon JW Cusack. They had ten
children one of whom was
James William Simon born 1852. He had three children
one of whom was
William Henry born 1874, I believe he lived in
Hampstead and married in
Kentish Town then Hanwell. He had four children one of
whom was my father
Richard Geoffrey born 1917. I live on the Isle of
Wight and would love to
know if anyone can relate to this family tree. (Liz Amies
<lizamies@btinternet.com> 7/17/2000)
Hello, I am looking for my half-brothers and sisters who
were adopted by their mother's husband and now have the last
name Wilmot. Their birth father is Robert Ellis, mother is
June. They are from Mass. I only know the names of three,
Bobby, Bonnie and Tim. Please contact me if you know where
or how I can find them. NewsHoundd@aol.com (7/12/2000)
WOW! What a site! I am Guy Eardley-Wilmot, and though I
know very little about my family, my father does. We are the
Eardley-Wilmots of Berkswell, England and my Dad is Sir
Michael Eardley-Wilmot, Bt. As soon as I get back from work
i'll call my dad about the site. He has so much information
on the history of the Wilmots, paticularly their part in the
Civil War and in Canada as well as in England, I'm sure
he'll be thrilled by the site. Anyway, Cheers, Guy
(guy_wilmot@hotmail.com 7/10/2000)
I am a Wilmot and proud of
it too. I came across your page and started reading it
it is very interesting. I would like to know more
about my family and where we come from. My name is
Andrea Wilmot my dad is Rocky Wilmot and my Grandpa is
Lesley Wilmot. My grandpa's dad's anme was Thomas
Wilmot. All that I know about my family is that they
started in the States moved to Nova Scotia and then my Great
Grandma moved to the Fort St. John area and Great Grandpa
was supposed to follow but he never did. If you could
help me find out more that would be great.
P.S I have that 'n' problem too I don't know where people
get it from
If you could e-mail me back with anything that would be
greatly appreciated
Andrea Wilmot
My name is Luis Wilmot and I live in San Antonio,Texas.I
am originally from Corpus Christi, Texas. My grandfather,
Louis G. Wilmot, was one of the original founders of The
League of Latin American Citizens (LULAC),the largest and
oldest Hispanic organizations in the U.S. An uncle,Jorge
Wilmot from Tonala,Mexico is one of the foremost producers
of ceramic art in Mexico.Just ask for Wilmot pottery the
next time you find yourself in a mercado. Luis
Wilmot (7/3/2000).
I have a Flobert boys rifle, acquired by my G.G.
Grandfather sometime between1857 and 1862 with the following
marking stamped into the barrel "Wilmot Gun Company" Has
this anything to do with the Wilmot family?, and does the
Wilmot family have anything to do with Wilmot Flats,
Vermont? Any answer? Any questions? Paul
Voelker, Anaheim, Ca. (6/25/2000)
I'm looking for information about Wilmot's in Ontario, Canada. Specifically about my Grandfather, Tomas Wilmot who died in 1965 and his brother Bert Wilmot, lived in the US and worked as a Pressman (I think). I think their Father, William A. Wilmot came from Wales in the late 1800's early 1900's. That's about all I have, any information would be apprecated! (Sean L.
Wilmot, 5/13/2000, updated 1/22/2003)
Hi, my name is Dan Cornia. My line of Wilmot's
started with my mother, Frances Emma Muir. Her
mother was Nancy Ray Kenney, her mother was Mary
Laurie "ollie" Wilmot, her father John Fletcher
Wilmot, his father John Jr. Wilmot, his father John
Sr. Wilmot who came from England in the mid 1650's.
If this sounds familiar, I'd appreciate any imfo
anyone has.
John Fletcher's brother was Capt. William
Wilmot, the last person killed in the Revolutionary
War, 14 Nov 1782. He had another Brother Lt. Robert
Wilmot. He was an artillary officer in the same
war. After the war he was awarded 2000 + acres for
his service to our country.
I'd appreciate any imfo anyone would care to
share, Thanx Dan (Dan
Cornia, 5/9/2000)
Hi, I just came across your page and I love it. I am Paul
Wilmot born in New York 1965 and now living in Washington,
DC. My parents were both born in Panama, but both of their
fathers were born in the West Indies. It's great to find so
many Wilmots and to hear that I am not the only one with the
"n" problem. It is a constant irritant! Love and peace to
all you Wilmots! We are connected...(Paul
Wilmot, 5/5/2000)
My Grandfather was Anthony J Wilmot and came from England
to Canada and then to Laconia NY. He died in 1957 in
Syracuse NY. My father George H. Wilmot was born in lowville
NY. One Aunt Jean, Uncles: twins died young (Floyd and
Dewey), Alger Wilmot and Francis (Frank), settled around
Auburn NY and Syracuse, Liverpool and Baldwinsville NY. One
Brother Anthony A. Wilmot, and One half brother George Leroy
Wilmot. Anthony J. worked on the Erie Canal and married a
Sarah Jessmer. If you have any information on George Leroy
Wilmot or links to family please contact rlight1021@aol.com.
(Ruth Wilmot Light, 4/12/2000)
Wilmot is a florist. A very good florist in Bristol,
England. The business was bought by my father of a Miss
Wilmot soon after the 2nd World War and I have run it for
the last 30 years retaining the old name Edith Wilmot. Our
web pages are to be found at www.wilmot-florist.co.uk
<http://www.wilmot-florist.co.uk> so keep that address
by you as you never know when you might need to send someone
some flowers. All Wilmots welcome. Peter
Jones, Edith
Wilmot, Bristol's favourite florist. (2/29/00)
I just read your Wilmot home page and I have
decided it`s one of the best sites on the web. I
come form a town called Cobh in the far south of
Ireland. I have 7 aunts and uncles with the name
Wilmot plus a gran aunt (plus inumerous cousins). I
therefore didn`t have the dreaded "n" problem while
at school - since everyone knew at least one
wilmot. There is one other similar family in the
town but they spell their names wilmott. We all
originally stem from a family in a town called
Bandon (about 30 miles away). I did have one "n"
person in college. One of my best friends made the
mistake once and to have a laugh he would sometimes
call me wilmont on purpose.
I believe that the name wilmot comes from Norman
England. William was the second most common name
(after John). As a pet name some williams were
called william "the helmet",which was then taken as
a surname eventually being shortened to wilmot.
By the way my sister (also a wilmot ha ha) is
obsessed with stuffed toys. Wait until I tell her
about this.
Seeya, Mark
Wilmot. (11/2/99)
hello, fello wilmots!!! did'nt realise that
there was so many of us out there.
My name is Lorianne Eileen Wilmot. well, that's
my maiden name. My married name is Iacobellis, but
that's another story. I was born December 10, 1965,
in Oakville ,Ontario Canada. My father's name was
Gary Wilmot, and sadly he died on December 1, 1972.
At the time he was working at the Orangeville
Raceway. Before that he was Director of Racing for
the Jockey Club of Canada. He was only 30 at the
time of his death. I have an older brother named
Delvin Roy Wilmot and i also had a younger brother
named Gary Patrick Wilmot, who died April 28, 1992,
aged 18 years. My grandfather was Keith Wilmot,
former chief of Police here in Stratford, Ontario.
That was many years ago.....
We thought that my brother Del would be the last
of our family name, but thankfully he married and
had a son, born June 21st, 1998. a gorgeous boy
named Graham Gary Wilmot. He also has a lovely
little girl called Jenna Joanne, after my mum, who
died December 12, 1998. My mum's maiden name was
Wood, another fine name.
well, must go. my daughter sara is calling me.
again, i really enjoyed the site. long live
[annie] wilmot-iacobellis
p.s: we always were told that the correct way of
pronouncing our last name was "wilmut", is this
Hello Fellow Wilmot`s, its amazing what you find when you
are bored scanning the inter net.Keep the Wilmot name going
Wilmot,Bristol,England. (2/10/00)
Hi to all the Wilmots out there. I too have the last name
of Wilmot. I live in Amherst ,Nova Scotia, Canada. There are
10 members of my entire family with the last name of Wilmot,
and all the families live in Nova Scotia. (Phil
Wilmot 2/6/2000)
Looking for any info on a Dean Wilmot of British
Columbia, Canada........thanks would be much appreciated. He
and I were great friends and i have no way of getting in
touch with him again as i moved to Brazil. luv Chris
Anyone out there with information on the long line of
Wilmots, Willmotts, Willymotts, Willimotts etc. that lived
for a couple of centuries in and around Kellshall,
Hertfordshire? I'd love to hear from you. Wally Court at
I have been trying to research the Texas
Wilmots, on and off for a while. My grandfather was
Louis G. Wilmot from Corpus Christi, TX. His
father, Louis Wilmot, and his father's father,
George Wilmot were both from Corpus Christi, as
well. But I believe George Wilmot eventually
emigrated to Texas by way of Canada from England.
My information stops at George, with only a
spouse's name, Maria Jesusa Gomez from Mexico (?).
George and Maria reportedly had nine children, all
remaining in the Corpus Christi area. If anybody
has further information on this line, please let me
know! (10/21/99)
Rosalie Wilmot Garcia Rounsaville
PO Box 160221
Austin, TX 78716
email: RoRoun33@aol.com
Sirs: I have information about some of my Wilmot ancestors
and wonder if anyone else is looking for information or has
done some family work that would help in my search. I am
decended from Leon B. Wilmot, born 27 April 1863 in St. Joe,
Indiana, married to Samantha Miser in 1886, and died in 1914
in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. I would like to hear from anyone
doing work in this same line. (Robert Keel, rdkeel@ameritech.net,
Hello, My name is Ashley Siobhan Uilliam Wilmot (Uilliam,
not William, it's gaelic, spelled differently but pronounced
the same). I am seventeen and I live in London Ontario
Canada. My father is Raymond Wilmot (born in Belfast,
Ireland) and his father was William George Alexander Wilmot
(born in Coleraine, Ireland). His father was George Wilmot,
and he was probably born in Ireland too, but I'm not sure.
My brother, William Raymond Wilmot, is six years old. I
thought I was going to be the last Wilmot in our line,
because I'm a girl, but then my Dad remarried and had a son
with his new wife, so actually he's my half brother, but who
cares. I would like to find other Wilmot's who originate
from Ireland, as I am working on a family tree. Anyone who
could help me out can email me at siobhan_wilmot@hotmail.com.
Hi,i think your site is brill! my name is Anthony
wilmot,i live in Cheshire,England. I never knew there we're
so many people with the same surname. There's none around
here! But i have traced back the name Wilmot to the 16th
Century England. I'd love a mention on your site,and any
body who'd like to e-mail me! Sad arn't i!love it though!
thanks,Anthony Wilmot. (anthonywilmot@hotmail.com,
Wilmots in Illinois write: I am sending you information
on some other Wilmots. My husband is Dwight Max Wilmot of
Chatham, IL and we have 3 sons, Steven of Springfield, IL,
Timothy of Billings, MT, and Gary of Evans, CO. Would like
to correspond with Wilmots from Illinois who might have
information or be descendants of George Washington Wilmot,
Rushville, IL. (9/4/99)
Trip Wilmot writes: My brother Todd Wilmot, and
sisterinlaw Marcy and I, Clifford R.(Trip) Wilmot III
founded top-drawer.com, the largest and fastest growing, top
brand hosiery sellers on the internet...we are building a
new website, and when we do get our new site up, we shall do
something special for all the Wilmot members...For now they
can visit us at Top-drawer.Com.
We are from Greenwich Ct. Grandsons of Clifford R. Wilmot (
Tax Assesor in Greenwich)and Great Grandsons of Capt.
Benjamin Wilmot who was an oyster and fisherman on the Long
Island Sound...We have two more brothers, Scott Pierce
Wilmot and Randy Wilmot....One nephew, Ben, but one pregnant
sister-in-law, so here's hoping for a BOY!!! Although I sure
love my 3 beautiful nieces...Our father is Edward Pierce
Wilmot of Palm Desert who grew up in Greenwich...Great fun
to hear all about Wilmot's...Thanks....Trip (8/2/99)
Gary Wilmot of Manchester, England writes: where did all
you pop up from. looking through this page you have
neglected to point out there is a famous black english
comdian called gary Wilmot (7/8/99)
Mary Jo WILMOT writes from Arkansas: Hello
there! I am 16 year old Mary Jo Wilmot, daughter of Dale
Hays and Mary Wilmot, of Van Buren, Arkansas, granddaughter
of the late Russell Leroy Wilmot of Towanda Pennsylvania and
Betty Jo Wilmot of Van Buren, Arkansas. Its great to hear of
all these Wilmots! I have 2 uncles, David Wilmot, and Dennis
Wilmot. I'm sure my family wouild love to hear of all this!
I wonder if we are all related? (6/1/99)
Shana Wilmot has a lot of great information about
Canadian Wilmots: It is interesting-I have never thought of
looking up Wilmot on the internet. I am, of course, a Wilmot
from Brantford, Ontario. My grandfather, Eardley Wilmot, was
the Mayor of Bellville and there is Wilmot creek named after
our family. One of my great great uncles was one of the
fathers of Canada's confederation, while my great
grandmother's research into the family tree in the early
20's traced us back to, yes, the Earl of Rochester, who's
name was Eardley Wilmot. There was a castle in the Wilmot
family in England outside Edinborough until the early 20's
called Scalveny Castle. And we have a farm outside Brantford
that has been in the family since 1820. Very interesting
family-I find myself very fortunate to be a Wilmot.(Shana
Wilmot: sWilmot@yorku.ca,
After 56 years, a gentleman named Ron just found out he
was adopted and that his family name is Wilmot! Welcome to
the family Ron! (5/26/99)
Randie Bricker, a First grade teacher at Wilmot
Elementary in Deerfield, Illinois writes about the school:
We just celebrated our 150th birthday. The Wilmot family
gave the land to build our school. There was some
stipulation that a door must always face south because Mrs.
Wilmot watched her children walk home from that door. We
have also recreated "Clarissa's Prairie" on the corner of
Wilmot and Deerfield Road to honor Clarissa Wilmot.
Wayne Cole writes: I am Wayne Cole, son of Hazel Wilmot
of Jamaica. She is a direct desendant of John Wilmot Lord of
Rochester. (3/28/99)
A founding member of Freeserve,
an internet service provider in the UK, is named Rob Wilmot.
He is currently the Media Development Director (Rob Wilmot,
rob@freeserve.net 3/22/99)
Edith Wilmot in Sarnia Ontario Canada writes: What a lot
of Wilmot! Hello from Edith Wilmot - who's mom and dad came
from Yorkshire, Huddersfield, England. (3/19/99)
Rick Wilmot writes: Wilmot notes from the UK which may be
of interest. Wilmot CLOSE is a little road in north London
just west of the St. Pancras and Islington Cemetry. I'm
guessing that some of the road names in that area were taken
from graves in the cemetry. My family's grave is in there
containing three WilmotS. (Apparently, there's room for one
more on top.) My father is still alive and kicking at 91
years old.
There's another Wilmot CLOSE in Peckham, south London.
Wilmot PLACE is off St. Pancras Way, Camden in north London.
Another Wilmot PLACE is in Hanwell, west London. Then
there's three Wilmot ROADS in London. One in Leyton, another
in Wood Green and another in Carshalton, south London.
I live in Poole in Dorset. My wife, JANE Wilmot is a
local Councillor. My nephew, GARY Wilmot will be the last in
the line unless he produces a son. COME ON GARY.
A description of the town of Wilmot, Wisconsin: I lived
in Wilmot Wisconsin about five years ago and now live about
two miles to the west in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. We in this
area also have experienced that many people add the "n" into
the name. There are quite a few roads in the area called
Wilmot Rd. - Wilmot Ave. etc. and when I lived in that town
I also had the name "Wilmot" on my vanity license plate. It
is a very small little town with a gas station, a few
restaurants & antique stores, It has the High school for
many surrounding towns, a grade school just for the Wilmot
area and a few churches. It is the home for the county fair
and is also used on weekends during the summer months for a
stock car race track. (Rick & Brenda Edwards
Marge Covey seeks her Wilmot ancestors: Searching for
"F.G. Wilmot" He married my g-g-grandmother, CYNTHIA J.
PHELPS, in October 26, 1882 in McKinney, Texas. Found a
marriage license in McKinney for them. Was informed they
moved to Indian Territory. (Now Southeastern Oklahoma) Can't
find anything on either one from there. (Margie Phelps Covey
Odessa, Texas 79764 margcov@marshill.com)
J. Steven Wilmot writes: My wife (Sandra) and i live in
Ft. Worth Texas. I would like to reinforce the fact that
there is NO "n" in Wilmot and that it's a very powerful
name. (11/29/98)
Gary ALLAN Wilmot writes: Just surfing for Wilmot
genealogy when I found your site.I am interested in tracing
ancesteral roots.My dad traced relatives back to the Civil
War,based in Northern New Hampshire,Vermont.We would like to
find out more. (11/7/98, bowil@worldpath.net
John C. Roberts is
trying to find info about Thomas Wilmot and William Wilmot
of Jamaica; W.I. Here's the info he has: I know that two
brothers left Scotland for the U.S. and one later settled in
Jamaica. What are their names? (John C. Roberts, joro@netcom.ca,
Terry Wilmot, PhD, writes: Came across your page et al.,
this a.m., while surfing. I am the grandson of Dan and Grace
Wilmot of Roswell
UFO fame. I was young and naive while he was still alive
and so never talked about the episode with him...apparently
he didn't talk too much with my father (Paul Wilmot) either
as he didn't know very much about it. (8/13/97)
Aboriginal Wilmots: Just finished looking thru Wilmot web
page, and it occured to us that there are no references to
aboroginal/tribal Wilmots. Well here we are, Wilmot's of the
Mi'gmaq tribe(micmac)in eastern Canada. Also would like to
know of any professional or family gatherings (5/22/97
Joe Wilmot).
William Wellington Napier writes: to all wilmots, i just
read the web page and am very excited to know there are so
many of us. i am also curious to know if most of us share
the same problem of having an " n " inserted you know where
in our name. what is the deal with that? i thought it was
just me, like maybe i had a speech impediment or something.
by the way the cadillac was not silver plated. (3/10/97)
Supporting the Life on Mars hypothesis, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Wilmot were apparently key witnesses to the
Roswell UFO back in 1947. As the web page says: "Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Wilmot apparently were the only persons in Roswell
who seen what they thought was a flying disk." (2/28/97)
Another industrious Wilmot has founded
Wilmot/Sanz, Inc. Actually it was two:
John C. Wilmot and James
C. Wilmot...among others. (2/28/97)
While netsurfing, we saw that Gary
Wilmot has lost
his tablecloth. Can you help him find it? (2/28/97)
Michael and Kathy Wilmot in Maryland send their hellos.
They own a business in White Marsh, MD called Wilmot Modular
Structures, which leases and sells modular buildings and
office trailers. You can visit their Website at WilmotModular.com.
From William W. Wilmot, Ph.D.: Hi. As I was searching the
web, I came across the Wilmot web search you did. I'm
William W. Wilmot (Bill) with a Ph.D. in communication.
Professor at Univ of Montana since 1972. Author of numerous
books, the latest being Elaine Yarbrough and William W.
(Cairns Publishing, 1995), and William W. Wilmot, RELATIONAL
COMMUNICATION. (McGraw-Hill, 1995). I have just finished
writing the new edition of W. Wilmot and J. Hocker
INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT, 5th edition, which will be released
this next early fall by Brown and Benchmark (who was just
purchased by McGraw-Hill). (12/28/96).
Trip Wilmot III and family send this greeting: All the
Wilmot's in Los Angeles enjoyed your site,...Thank you.
(12/25/96 - Merry Christmas, Trip!)
Mr. Benjamin Supper was kind enough to post a Big
Picture of Wilmot. Well, it's a different Wilmot, but it
counts. (12/17/96).
Brian Mullins would like to say "Hi!" to David Wilmot in
Denver, Colorado. Brian and David have been friends since
1976. (11/1/96)
John Wilmot in Toronto, Canada is celebrating his
birthday by visiting this page. Happy birthday John! (I may
have missed it, as I was lax in getting my mail. If so,
happy belated birthday!) John reports that there appears to
be no family resemblance between his line of Wilmots and the
stuffed animal pictured above. (10/19/96)
Steve Wilmot reports: I have been living in the Chicago area
for about a year and have found a Wilmot Street in the city
of Chicago- only about two blocks long. In the town of
Wilmot, WI there is a ski area called Wilmot
Mountain, believe me its no mountain, and they don't
offer family discounts either, I asked. (7/24/96, Link to
Wilmot Mountain added 2/28/97; link updated 4/13/99)
You can access the Wilmot
Gate to the Internet thanks to Ron Wilmot and his
Jerome Lacher reports that rest area 129 in Roberts County,
South Dakota is commonly referred to as the "Wilmot Rest
Area" (probably because it's seven miles west of the city of
Wilmot). Jerome owned and operated a hardware store in
Wilmot for 11 years until 1989.(7/15/96)
There are even Wilmot's downunder; check out WOW
in Western Australia, brought to you by Andrew
Wilmot.(4/25/96; link updated 8/8/97)
Donald Wilmot's (Gary's father) first cousin Priscilla
Alldin (or Allden) is a direct descendent of the wife of the
captain of the Mayflower (and who said Wilmots don't make
their mark in the world?). (Gary Wilmot 2/21/96)
Gary Wilmot(!) reports that there is a Wilmot Street off
of Fillmore in San Francisco, CA. (Gary Wilmot 2/21/96)
Tom Battley from Rochester, NY reports that a Wilmot
family lives in Rochester, and is one of the wealthiest
families in the US. "They are the 18th largest owners of
SHOPPING MALLS. I just read that they are worth roughly
$660M. In the 1970's James Wilmot gave a silver plated
cadillac to Idi Amin Dada" (29 July 1995...3/10/97 update:
William Wellington Napier claims that the Cadillac was not
silver plated)